www.askcedric.co.uk is a business site with a mission to inform and educate all sizes and types of business that are affected by legislation enforced by Trading Standards, ensuring a safer and fairer trading environment for all consumers and businesses.

If you are looking for other trading aspects, there are lots of opportunities on the market - long-term perspectives of trading and investment in assets like cryptocurrencies and foreign exchange. Choosing the best investment and trading strategy depends on personal decisions and more individual factors. The main challenge is to select a reputable platform that covers regulations and rules in order to have stable outcome. If you have decided to invest in Forex, you should first research the best forex brokers to ensure a stable and optimal outcomes. A critical stage in the process and a great help in this step are reputable platforms that offer reviews to make the process easier for you.

In Britain, Trading Standards is a local authority department that deals with diverse issues under a wide variety of legislation, relating to food safety, pricing, prevention of sales of counterfeit goods, prevention of sales of tobacco and alcohol to under-age buyers and action to prevent exploitation of vulnerable consumers by scams and doorstep crime.

Knowing and abiding by the law protects your business by reducing the risk of legal action and expensive mistakes. Our aim at askcedric.co.uk is to help you gain a solid understanding of trading standards, which will gain the confidence of your customers.

If we talk about the gambling sector, the Government continually strives to ensure that it is run responsibly, continues to serve as a safe and enjoyable leisure activity, and it remains a vital source of revenue and jobs. The gambling commission keeps gambling crime-free, makes sure it is licensed and legal, and also aims to protect children and vulnerable adults. In order to be sure that effective protection measures, policies and procedures are in place, the government recommends that you check your gambling operator.

Butcher, baker, candlestick maker

Whatever you sell, trading standards law are interested in the what, where and how of your selling. Do you sell goods, services or digital content? Do you sell in a shop or online? Do you treat your customers fairly, abiding to the rules that apply to your business?

Whilst there are general laws that affect all businesses that sell to consumers, there are specific laws that apply to certain products or types of business. These include the selling of age-restricted products or food and drink. These rules are strictly enforced with laws covering the safety of goods that apply to manufacturers and importers as well as retailers.

There are also specific rules that cover whether you sell on-premises (shop or market stall), off-premises (at the customer's home, place of work etc.) or at a distance (online, mail order or telephone)

Trading standards is also concerned with the keeping and transporting of livestock and animal feel. Weighing and measuring are also under their control. In addition to all of this, trading standards also issue rules on the provision of carrier bags and the choosing of a business name.

All businesses must be seen to treat their customers fairly, abide by the rules on prices and payments, and know that every sale is a contract. We will help you ensure your business practises are not putting your business at risk through lack of information or misunderstanding. We will help you to confidently apply the rules, from unfair contract terms to 'alternative dispute resolution' information for your customers.

Our aim is to provide relevant, accurate and plain English information and support so that you are confident you have full compliance with the relevant trading standards legislation for your business.